@i ##MANUSCRIPT REMAINS OF BUDDHIST LITERATURE FOUND IN EASTERN TURKESTAN FACSIMILES WITH TRANSCRIPTS TRANSLATIONS AND NOTES EDITED IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER SCHOLARS BY A. F. RUDOLF HOERNLE C.I.E. M.A. OXON. PH.D.TUBINGEN VOLUME I PARTS I AND II MANUSCRIPTS IN SANSKRIT KHOTANESE KUCHEAN TIBETAN AND CHINESE WITH TWENTY-TWO PLATES O X F O R D AT THE CLARENDON PRESS 1916## @176 VAJRACCHEDIKA# ##IN THE ORIGINAL SANSKRIT Stein MS., No. D. III. 13b. (Plate XXI, No. 1, Fol. 14, Rev.) EDITED BY F. E. PARGITER. THIS is a fresh manuscript of the## VajracchedikA. ##The text of that work was published by Max Muller, from manuscripts discovered in Japan, in the Anecdota Oxoniensia (Aryan Series), vol. i, part i, in 1881. The manuscript, now published, was discovered by Sir Aurel Stein in his first expedition to Eastern Turkestan in the years 1900-1. As related by him in his Ancient Khotan, vol. i, p. 258, it was dug out on the 23rd of December, 1900, from the ruins of a small ‘dwelling-place’ (id. p. 256) belonging to the ancient settlement of## DandAn Uiliq; ##see also id., p. 295, and the same author’s Sand-buried Ruins of Khotan, p. 300. It was identified by Dr. Hoernle as containing the text of the## VajracchedikA; ##and a notice of the identification was published by him in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society for 1903, p. 364. This manuscript is written on nineteen folios, long and narrow, of coarse country paper, and each folio is about 39 cm. (15 ¼ inches) in length and 75 mm. (2 15/16 inches) in width. It is in fairly good preservation, except that parts have perished or decayed. The folios are numbered on the left margin of the obverse side, and are all present except nos. 1, 3-5, and 12, which are wanting. A few of the folios are nearly whole (nos. 11, 17, and 18), some have lost one or both ends (nos. 7, 8, and 16), but most have perished more or less within the page, and present gaps severing the paper in two, partially or completely (nos. 2, 6, 9, 10, 13-15, and 19). In the transcript these gaps are enclosed within the mark. Where the paper has not perished, the writing has suffered injury in many places, so as to show every stage of decay from merely slight defacement to total obliteration. The folios which have suffered least are nos. 17 and 18, which are reproduced in Plate CVIII in vol. ii of Sir Aurel Stein’s Ancient Khotan, while for the present volume fol. 14b (shown in Plate XXI) has been selected, in order to give an idea of the more common condition of the leaves of the manuscript. Each page contains six lines of writing. The margin on the left side is generally about 10 mm. (3/8 inch) broad, and on the right side about 7 mm. (1/4 inch). @177 The writing thus occupies a length of about 37 cm. (14 1/3 inches). In every third and fourth line on each page, at about 77 mm. (3 inches) from the left margin of the writing, a blank space has been left about 2 cm. (3/4 inch) long, so as to make altogether an open place of that length and of about the same height, for the hole through which the string would pass which would hold the folios together. This open space is of very great help in determining the position of the writing that remains in folios in which both ends have perished. The letters have been written with a broad reed pen and are large and well made. The largest such as## thA ##and## yA ##may be 13 mm. (1/2 inch) broad, and the smallest such as ra and va about 6 mm. (1/4 inch) broad. The size of ordinary letters is about 8 mm. (1/3 inch.), so that on an average three letters go to every 25 mm. (1 inch) of space. It is thus possible to calculate the number of letters that have been obliterated in a decayed passage by carefully measuring its length, and to restore the text in most places with the aid of the printed text with some degree of confidence. In all such cases the restored text is printed in italics. These cases are of two kinds, those in which the writing only has suffered damage, and those in which the paper and writing have both perished. Passages of the first kind are dealt with according to the degree of obliteration, thus: first, where the letters are but slightly defaced and can be read, italics are used; secondly, where the traces remaining of the letters enable one to make out what they were with the aid of the printed text, the italics are enclosed within round brackets; and thirdly, where the letters have disappeared completely, if their number tallies with that in the printed text, the italics are enclosed within square brackets; but, if the two do not tally, the number of lost letters is indicated by an equal number of crosses. Passages of the second kind, where both paper and writing have perished, are enclosed within the mark, and, if the gap can be definitely filled up from the printed text, the restored text is printed in small italics; but if the gap and the printed text do not tally, the number of lost letters is indicated by an equal number of small crosses. The printed text has been an invaluable aid throughout, and without it very little could have been done towards reading the many passages where the MS. has suffered injury. The MS. has been well written and contains very few errors that are merely clerical, but its language is Sanskrit of poor literary quality and abounds with irregularities and peculiarities of all kinds in both grammar and sandhi and even in the forms of words, that indicate a strong## PrAkrit ##or vernacular element and influence. These will be obvious on perusal, and it is unnecessary for me to discuss them here. A very few of the most striking instances may be just mentioned:## pratiSThihitvA ##for## pratiSThAya ##(fol. 2 b(v); cf.## PAli patiTThahitvA ##in Childers’## PAli ##Dict. p. 370 a),## ugraheSyati ##for## udgraheSyati ##(fol. 11 a, 1. iv),## viyUbhA ##for## vyUhA ##(fol. 13 bv. vi) and## pratyupasthAhe ##for## pratyupatiSThat ##(fol.19 a(iv)).## Avagraha @178 ##occurs often but is never indicated, and is definitely suggested only where final## a: ##appears as o before an initial tenuis or by the appearance of the following word: it is indicated here by an inverted apostrophe.’## VirAma ##is expressed in the MS. by a circumflex placed over the letter, which is written small and placed a little below the line: it is indicated here by the sign placed below the letter. The only mark of punctuation in the MS. is a large dot, and it is so rendered here; but a double dot, the usual sign of visarga, is used once as a mark of punctuation, after## bhASyate ##in fol. 6 b(v); and perhaps in## nti: ##in fol. 15 b(vi). The date of this MS. may be estimated approximately by means of the copper-plate which was found inside the## NirvANa stUpa ##at## KasiA ##and which I have deciphered at Dr. Hoernle’s request.{1 See JRAS., 1912, pp. 123, 125. It is published in the Annual Report, Arch. Survey of India, 1910-11, pp. 73 ff.} That plate may be assigned to the third quarter of the fifth century A.D. because of the coins found with it. The writing in this MS. is very much like that on the plate, though the characters here are more squat and wider. The letters here are written with rather more flourish and present a greater variety of form, thus the vowel-marks for## A, i ##and## U ##are made in three, and those for e and ai in two ways; also the vowel o in bodhi has two shapes. Two of the three forms for## A ##may be seen in## yAvatA, ##in fol. 14b(iv) (reproduced on Plate XXI, No. 1), and the third in## mahAsAhasre, ##in fol. 18a(v) (Anc. Khot., P1. CVIII); the three forms of i, distinguished as## i, iM^, ##and## I ##respectively, in## ciM^tta-dhArA, citta-dhArA, ##fol. 14b(v), and## vAlikA:, ##fol. 14 b(i); and those of## U ##distinguished as## U, U#, ##and## U ##respectively, in## SubhUte ##fol. 14b(iv),## SubhUte ##fol. 14b(ii), paripUrNAM ##fol. 17b(vi) (Anc. Khot., P1. CVIII).{2 [See Note, on p. 195.-R.H.]} The two forms of e may be seen in## ucyate ##fol. 14b(v), and just below it, in## upalabhyate, ##fol. 14b(vi), those of## ai ##differing similarly from each other; while those of o will be seen in the word## bodhi, ##in fol. 17b(iv) and## bodhi ##in fol. 17b(vi) (Ane. Khot., P1. CVIII), being distinguished as## o# ##and## o ##respectively. Initial e also has two quite different shapes, one of which occurs only once clearly, in evam in fol. 14b(iii), while the other is of frequent occurrence, as in fol. 17a(iii), 18a(vi)b(i). Also the letters## a, A, kh,bh, y, and l ##display each at least two slight varieties in their forms; e.g. compare## bh ##in## bhaviSyat, ##in fol. 17a(i) and in fol. 17a(v); and y, in## yAva ##and## ^yena ##in fol. 18a(vi). These features suggest that this MS. is somewhat later than the copper-plate. Yet it cannot be much later, because both the shapes of y (which is a test letter as regards the script) are of the tripartite character. It seems therefore that this MS. may be assigned to about the end of the fifth or the beginning of the sixth century A.D. In its matter the MS. agrees of course in the main with the printed text, but is less full. Sometimes there is close agreement, but at other times it varies @179 considerably, omitting sentences, or abbreviating them by the reduction of several cumulative expressions to one or two only, as will be seen from the first sentence. In only one or two places does it seem to contain additional matter. It would have been waste of labour and space to point out all the differences or even many of them, and only passages where there are large variations have been noticed in the footnotes. For convenient use each page is printed as one paragraph, numbered with the number of the folio and the addition of a for the obverse and b for the reverse; and the beginning of each line in the page has been marked by a small roman numeral. No translation is necessary here because there exists a translation of the## VajracchedikA ##prepared by Max Muller, in the Sacred Books of the East, vol. xlix, Part II, pp. 109 ff.{1 ##There is also, in the present volume, pp. 276 ff., a translation from the Khotanese, prepared by Professor Sten Konow.##} ##TEXT## (##2A#) itad{2 ##Begins at p. 20, 1. 1, of the printed text.##} avocat A#zcaryaM BhagavA yA[va]d [e]va (TathA)gate- (na bo)dhisatvA anuparigRhItA: paramen{3. ##Not## N.##}anugraheNa {4 ##Much more condensed than the printed text, cumulative expressions being reduced to a single one, and several words omitted. The form parigrahetavya is used here ; compare fol. 18a(i).(ii)##} YAvad eva TathAgatena bo(ii) dhisatvA parinditA: paramayA parinda (nayA{4 ##Much more condensed than the printed text, cumulative expressions being reduced to a single one, and several words omitted. The form parigrahetavya is used here ; compare fol. 18a(i). (ii).##} Tat kathaM Bhaga)vaM bodhisatva-yAna-saMprasthitena sthAtavyaM kathaM cittaM pra grahetavyaM{4 ##Much more condensed than the printed text, cumulative expressions being reduced to a single one, and several words omitted. The form parigrahetavya is used here ; compare fol. 18a(i).(ii)##} SAdhu sA(iii)dhu Bhagava {5 ##Bhagava ##is marked with 4 dots above and 5 beneath. It does not occur in the printed text. These dots apparently indicate that it is an error here. Compare fol. 7 a(v), footnote 7, p. 182. [See p. 397 for a similar practice in Khotanese writing-R.H.##]} SubhUte anupa O{6 ##The circlet indicates where, in the original folios, stood the blank space containing the string-hole, and intertupting lines iii and iv.##} rigRhItAs TathAgatena bodhisatvA: paramen{3. ##Not## N.##}anugraheNa parindi- tAs TathAgate(na bodhisa)(iv)tvA: paramayA parindana O{6 ##The circlet indicates where, in the original folios, stood the blank space containing the string-hole, and interrupting lines iii and iv.##} (yA{4 ##Much more condensed than the printed text, cumulative expressions being reduced to a single one, and several words omitted. The form parigrahetavya is used here ; compare fol. 18a(i). (ii)##} Tena) hi SubhUte zRNu SAdhu ca suSThu ca manasi kuru BhASiSye. YathA (bodhisa)tva-yAna- (v)saMprasthitena sthAtavyaM yath (A) cittaM pragrahe tavyaM{7 ##Probably omitting## yathA pratipattavyaM ##of the printed text. See note 4 above.##} EvaM BhagavAn{8 ##Read## BhagavaM.##} ity AyuSmAn SubhUtir Bhagavata: pra- tya(zrauSIt. BhagavAn avocat) (vi)Iha SubhUte bodhisatvena cittam utpA- @180 dayitavyaM{1 ##The printed text has## bodhisatva-yAna-saMprasthiten-aivaM cittam utpAdayitavyaM.}YAvaMta: satvA:{2 ##More condensed than the printed text.##} aNDajA vA jarAyujA vA saMsvedajA vA (upapA)dukA vA . (##2b##) (i)rUpiNo{3 ##Begins at p. 20, 1. 18, of the printed text.##} vA arUpiNo vA saMjJino vA asMjJino vA naiva saMjJAnopakA{4 ##The printed text has## naiva saMjJino nasaMjJino.} vA . YAvaMta: satvA: prajJapyam(AnA:) prajJapyante{5 ##The printed text has the singular.##} te mayA sa(ii)rve anupadhizeSe nirvANa-dhAtau parinirvApayitavyA: Evam aparimANAM ca satvAM parinirvApayitvA na kazcit satva: parinirvApito (iii) bhavati. Tat kasya heto: Satva OsaMjJA hi SubhUte bodhisatvasya pravarteta na so bo#dhisatva iti vaktavya: Tat kasya (het)o: Na SubhU#(iv)te bodhisatvo yasyatma-saMjJA{6. ##This agrees with the note in the printed text.##} O pravarteta . satva-saMjJA vA. jIva-saMjJA vA. pudgala-saMjJA vA. Api tu SubhUte (bodhisatvenavastu-)(v)pratipattito dAnaM dAtavyaM (na kva)cit pra tiSThi(tena dA)naM dAtavyam Na zabda-gandha-rasa-spraSTavyeSu prati- SThihitvA dAnaM dAta(vyaM) EvaM hi SubhUte vi(bo)dhisatvena dAnaM dAtavyam ya[tH]A (na nimitta)-saMjJAyA (pratiSThihe). Tat kasya heto:. (Ya: SubhUte) bodhisatvo (‘pratiSThi) to{7 ##That is## apratiSThito.}dAnaM dadAti x ##Folios Nos. 3-5 wanting. (##6A#) (i)bhASitA:{8 ##Begins at p. 27, 1. 3, of the printed text.##}. (Tad u)cyate kSetra-viyU(bh)A{9 VyUha ##is written## viyUha ##in fol. 13 b(v), and## viyUbha ##in fol. 13b(v).(vi).##} iti. (TasmA) SubhUte bodhisatvenaivaM pratiSThitaM cittam utpAdayitavyaM{10 ##Two sentences of the printed text are omitted after this.##} Na zabda- gandha-(ii)rasa-sparza-pratiSThitaM cittam utpAdayitavyam [xxxxxxxx xx{11 ##About ten letters are wanting here. The printed text is longer and reads## Tad yathapi nama SubhUte puruSo bhaved upetu-kAyo mahA-kAyo yat tasyaivaMrUpa.} A](tma)-bhAva syAt tad yatha[pi]nAma Sumeru-parvbata-(iii)rAjA. Tat kin manyase SubhUOte MahAM sa(:Atma-)bhAvo bhavet {12 ##Two sentences of the printed text are omitted after this.##} [Tat kasya heto]r abhAva{13 ##The first letter is like## ra; ##it does not suggest## Atma. ##After this is a further mission.##} sas TathAgatena bhASi(tas) ta(iv)d ucyate @181 (A)tma-bhAva iti. O Na hi sa bhA{1 ##After## bhA ##a small letter, apparently## ta, ##appears which has a line through it, as if it were a mistake and were struck out.##}[vo natma-bhAva:{2 ##Three sentences of the printed text are wanting here.##}] YAvanto hi{3 ##Read probably## yAvanto hi, ##to correspond to## tAvanto ##which follows.##} [Su](bhU)te GaMgAyA nadyA vAlukAs tAvanto (v)GaMgA-nadyo bhaveyu: Tat kin manyase SubhUte{4 ##This sentence occurs a little earlier in the printed text.##} Api [nu tA bahvyo bhaveyu: Aha Ta]ceva tAva (Bhaga) vaM xx{5 ##These two letters are more than the printed text has. Read perhaps## yatra.} bahvyo GaM(gA-na)dyo (bha)(vi)veyu: prA(g e)va tatra vAlukA: A#[roca](yAmi te SubhUte) [pra](tivedayA)[mi te] xx (x{6 ##This letter looks like## su, ##so far as one can see from the traces of it.##} te x) xxxxxx{7 ##For all this breakage the printed text reads## yAvatyas tAsu GaMgA-nadiSu,##but the reading here seems to be different.##} [vA](lukA) (##6b##) (i)X{8 ##Begins at p. 27, 1. 20, of the printed text. This letter may be## sa.}mAsu vAlukA: tA(vato loka-dhA)tu ra{9 ##This letter seems quite clear, though it does not appear to make sense.##} Kazci strI vA (puru) So vA xxxxxxxxxxxx xx {10 ##Some 22 or 23 letters have been obliterated here, but the printed text is much longer.##} (ii)A#ha . EvaM BhagavaM bahu sa: kula-putro vA kula-(duhitA vA) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx{11 ##There are some 20## akSaras ##wanting; they may perhaps be## tato puNya- skandhaM prasaveta BhagavAn Aha Yaz ca ho puna:. ##Compare fol. 7 b(v) and 10 a(iii).##} [Su](bhU-) (iii) te tAvatA loka-dhAtuM saptaO-ratna-paripUrNaM [dA](naM da)[dyAd ya]z ca [xxx{12 ##Read perhaps## ho puna:, ##or## SubhUte.##}kula-putro] vA kula-duhitA vA xxx cAtuSpA(iv)dAm api gAthAm udgRhya paraOsya dezayet xxxxxxxx{13 ##Read perhaps## saMprakAzayet . ayam eva.##}[ku]la-putreNa kula- duhitRNA{14 ##There are two letters broken away here, and they must be composed of the instrumental case of## duhitR. ##Its instrumental form here would seem to be## duhitRNA, ##compare## pitRNA ##in fol. 19b(v).##This form fills the gap exactly.##} vA bahutaraM (v)puNya-skandhaM prasaveta. Api tu SubhUte ya(smi)n pRthivi-pradeze dharma-paryAyA{15 ##Compare fol. 7 b(vi).##} cAtuSpAdA(ma)pi{16 ##The## akSara ma ##had been omitted, and has been inserted interlinearly above## dA.} gAthAM bhASyate : tena sa:(vi)pRthivI-pradeza: cAitya-bhUto bhaviSyati. (sa) XXX xxx vA xxxxxxx{17 ##In the first part of this gap read perhaps## dev-asurasya lokasya.}(pA) ya xx (ya) xx (ya)imAM dharma- @182 (##7A#)(i)paryAyaM{1 ##Begins at p. 28, 1. 13, of the printed text.##} dhArayiSyanti{2 DhArayiSyanti ##or## vAcayiSyanti ##or## paryavApsyanti ##would fit this gap.##} Paramena{3 ##Not## N ##apparently.##} te satv{4 ##Compare fol. 8a(iii).##}azcaryeNa saman- vAgatA bhaviSyanti. [TasmiM pRthivI-pradeze] zAstA viharaty anyatarA x (ii)nyataro vA vijJa-guru{5 ##This is the reading in the printed text and fits this gap.##} sthAnIya: AthayuSmAM SubhUtir Bhagavantam etad avocat Ko nAmayaM BhagavaM dharma-paryAya: (iii)KathaM cainaM dhArayAmi O Evam ukte BhagavAn AyuSmantaM SubhUtim etad avocat PrajJA-pAramitA namayaM Su(iv)bhUte dharma-paryAya: E OvaM cainaM kAmaM dhArayata. Tat kasya heto: YA ceyaM prajJA-pAramitA TathAgatena (bhA) (v)SitA sA pAramitA{6 ##Or perhaps## saiva bhASitA.} Tat kih[e]To{7 ##There is a curve of three dots around the top and right side of## heto. It seems clear that the scribe first wrote## tat kasya heto, ##but discovering his mistake enclosed## heto ##with the dots and then wrote## n manyase; ##and this implies that he must have altered## tat kasya to tat ki.##Dots around a word therefore indicate a mistake.##} n manyase SubhUte Api nu kazci dharmas TathAgatena bhASita: Aha. No iti Bhaga(vi)vaM na kazci dharmas TathAgatena bhASita:{8 ##Two sentences of the printed text are omitted after this.##} YAvat SubhUte tR{9 ##Compare fol. 16 b(i), and fol. 18 a(v).##}-sAhasra-mahA- sAhasre loka-dhAtau pRthi(v)I-raja: kiJcit (##7b##)(i) tad{10 ##Begins at p. 29, 1. 7, of the printed text.##} bahu bhavet A#ha Bahu BhagavaM pRthivI-rajo bha[vet yat tad Bha]gavaM pRthivI-rajas TathAgate(na bh) ASitaM. a-ra (jas tad BhagavaM) (ii) bhASitaM. Tad ucyate pRthivI-raja iti. Yo so loka-dhAtu: a-dhAtu sas TathAgatena bhASitas Tad u(cyate loka-dhAtu)r iti. Ta- (iii)t kin manyase SubhUte Api Onu dvAtriNzar{11 ##Read perhaps## ^triNzair; ##but cf.## zatAnir ##in fol. 9 a(iv).##} mahApuruSa-lakSaNais TathAgato ‘rhAM samyak-saMbuddho (draSTavya:) A#(ha. No) iti Bha- (iv) gavaM{12 ##A sentence of the printed text is omitted after this.##}. Tat kasya heto: YAni OtAni dvAtriMza-mahApuruSa-lakSaNAni TathAgatena bhASitAny alakSa(NA)ni (tAni) TathA(gatena) (v) bhASitAni xxx{13 Tad ucyate ##is too much for this space apparently.##}dvAtriMza-mahApu(ruSa)-lakSaNAniti. Yaz ca ho puna: SubhUte strI vA puruSo vA (GaMgA-nadI-vAlikA-) xx{14 ##Read probably## samA, n ##being in the next line.##} (vi) xxxxxxxx{15 ##Read probably## natmabhAvAn dine dine.} pa (ritya)- @183 je[t.]{1 ##A sentence of the printed text is omitted after this.##} Yaz ceto dharma-paryAyA{2 ##For## paryAyAc, ##final consonants being often omitted here.##} catuSpadikAm api gAthAm udgRhya parasya{3 ##Compare fol. 10b(i).##} dezayet. Ayam eva{4 ##Read probably## prakAzayet ##or## Ayam eva.##} ta- (##8A#) (i) to{5 ##Begins at p. 30, 1. 2, of the printed text.##} bahutaraM puNya-skandhaM prasaveta AthayuSmAM Su- bhUti dharma-[vegenazrU] Ni prAmuJcat So’srUNi pramRjya Bhagavantam etad a(ii)vocat . A#zcaryaM BhagavaM{6 ##All this long double gap is exactly filled by what is in the printed text.##} (pa)ram-a(zcaryaM Sugata) yAvad ayaM TathAgatena dharma-pa(ryAyo bhASi)ta:{7 ##Two clauses of the printed text are omitted after this.##} Yato me (jJAnam utpannaM na ma)(iii) yA evaM-rUpo dharma-pa OryAya: zruta-pUrva: Paramena{8 ##Not## N.##} te satv-azcaryeNa samanvAgatA bhaviSyanti. ye(i)[ha] (zutre) (iv) bhASyamAne{9 ##The printed text## bhASyamANe zrutvA ##is a little too long for this space. Probably omit## zrutvA, ##compare fol. 8 b(v) ; ##and read## bhASyamANe.} bhUta-saMjJA Om utpAdayiSyanti.YaiSA BhagavaM bhUta-saMjJA saiv- asaMjJA TasmA TathAgato bhA(Sate BhUta-)(v) saMjJA bhUta-saMjJA iti Na mama BhagavaM duSkaraM yad aham imaM dharma-paryAyaM bhASya- mAnaM{8 ##Not## N.##} nu avakalpayAmy a(ty{10 YAmy ##a is clear and also## dhi, but the letter between them is far from clear. It appears to be a preposition containing a small consonant, prefixed to## adhi, ##such as## ati, anu ##or perhaps## abhi.}a)dhimucyAm vi Ye pi xxxxxxxx{11 ##The printed text is far longer than this space.##} xxx{12 ##What remains of these three letters looks like## minAyA, ##but might possibly be## [pa]zcimAyA.} paMcAza(tyAm{13 ##All this is more condensed than the printed text.##} imaM dharma-paryAyam a)vakalpayiSyanti{14 ##This varies from the printed text.##} a(dh)i xxix xxx (re)Na{15 ##Read probably## adhimucyiSyanti vistareNa; ##this agrees with the traces that remain of the first four letters.## PAli ##has the future form## muccissati.} (##8b##)(i){16 ##Begins at p. 30, 1. 17, of the printed text.##} xxxxxxx nt(i){17 ##Read perhaps## ca parasya saMprakAzayiSyanti; ##compare fol. 10 b(i).##} T(e) (pa)ram-azcArya-samanvA(gatAbha- viSyanti) . Api tu ho puna: (SubhU)[te na teSam A]tma-saM jJA prava(rti) (ii) Syati . Na satva-saMjJA na jiva-saMjJA pravartiSyati na{18 [The superscript## ri ##of## ^rti^ ##has a peculiar sideward position, apparently to avoid collision with## Sya ##of## bhaviSyati ##in the line above. See footnote 4, p. 168.-R.H.##]} pudgala-saMjJA @184 pravartiSyati{1 ##A sentence of the printed text is omitted after this.##}. Tat kasya heto: (YA sA Atma)-[saMjJA] (saiva)saMjJA (iii) yA satva-saMjJA yA jIva-{2 ##These## akSaras ##do not seem quite to fill up the space, and perhaps ca should be read after the first## yA.} OsaMjJA yA pudgala-saMjJA. saivasaMjJA. Tat kasya heto: Sarvba-saMjJa(pagatA) hi Bu(ddhA bhagavanta:) (iv) Evam ukte BhagavAn Ayu OSmantaM SubhUtim etad avocat Evam etat SubhUte evam eta SubhUte Param-azca(rya-samanvA)(v) gatAs te xxxxx{3 ##Read perhaps## satvA Ye iha, ##see fol.8 a(iii).##}sUtre bhASyamAne{4 ##Not## N.}notrasiSyanti. na saMtrasiSyanti na saM- trAsam Apatsyanti. [Ta](t kasya) heto: . Parama-(vi) pAramiteyaM SubhUte TathAgatena bhASitA{5 ##A sentence of the printed text is omitted here.##} . YA TathAgatena parama-pAramitA bhASitA{6 ##The construction here differs from that of the printed text.##} tAm xxxxxx bhASante{7 ##The printed text## aparimANA api BuddhA Bhagavanto BhASante ##is too long for this gap.##} (##9A#) i(Api{8 ##Begins at p. 31, 1. 9, of the printed text.##} tu) SubhUte yA TathAgatasya kSAnti-pAramitA saiv- apAramitA. (Tat ka)sya heto:r{9 ##The : is a scribal blunder : see similarly fol. 13 b, footnote 9, p. 188.##} YadA (me Ka)[liMga-rAjA aMga-] pra- tyaMga-mAMsAny acchai{10 ##The printed text exactly fits the gap.##} (ii)tsI. nAsI me tasmiM samaye Atma-(saMjJA vA satva-jIva-pudgala-saM)jJA vA. na me kAci saMjJA nasaMjJA babhUva (. Ta) t kasya heto: sa (iii)cen me SubhUte tasmiM sa (O maye) A(tma- saM)jJabhaviSyat vyApAda-saMjJAmetasmiM samaye ‘bhaviSya(t) [xxxx xx{11 ##The printed text## sacet sattva-saMjJA jIva- ##is too long for this space. Perhaps, following the analogy of line ii above, we might read## sacet satva-jIvA- ##which would suit the space.##} saM](iv)jJA. pudgala-saMjJabhaviSyat vyAo pAda-saMjJAme tasmiM samaye ‘bhaviSyat AbhijAnAmy ahaM SubhUte atIte ‘dhvani paM(ca-jAti- zatAni)r{12. ##These syllables would ordinarily be a little too much for this space, but might suit it, if written closely as many letters in this line are written. The r appears to be euphonic between i and the semi-vowel y; but cf.## ^triNzar ##in fol. 7b(iii).##} yada(v)haM kSAnti-vAdi RSir babhUva Tatra me na (tma-saMjJA babhUva na) satva-saMjJA. na jIva-saMjJA. na pudgala-saMjJA. TasmA tarhi SubhUte bodhisa(vi)tvena sarvba-saMjJA vivarja yitvanuttarAyAM samyak{12. ##These syllables would ordinarily be a little too much for this space, but might suit it, if written closely as many letters in this line are written. The r appears to be euphonic between i and the semi-vowel y; but cf.## ^triNzar ##in fol. 7 b(iii).##} [saM] (bodhau) ci(ttam utpAda)yitavyam Na rUpa-pratiSThitaM cittam utpAdayitavyaM (Na za)bda-(ga-) @185 (##9b##)(i)(ndha{1 ##Begins at p. 32, 1. 2, of the printed text.##}ra)[sa-spraSTavya]-(pratiSThi) taM xxxxxx=u (tpAdayita- vyam) xxx (pra)[ti](SThitaM) [na] (caivapra)tiSThAnaM{2 ##All this is very much more condensed than the printed text, and it is not easy to fill in the blanks with any certainty.##} TasmA[d eva TathAgato bhASat]i{3 BhAS ##is used here in the## parasmaipada, ##see fol. 13a(v), and apparently in foll. 11 b(vi), 13b(iv),and 18 b(iii).##}(na) x(ii)rUpa-pratiSThitena bodhisatvena dAnaM (dAta)vyam{4 ##More condensed than the printed text.##} Api tu SubhUte bodhisatvenaivaM dAna-parityAgaM pari- tyajya sa(rvba-sa)tvA(nAm arthAya) (iii)YA caiva sA satva-saMjJA saiva O (saM)jJA. (Ya) ete sarvba-satvA TathAgatena bhASitAs ta evasatvA: (bhUta-vAd)i (SubhUte) [TathA](iv)gata: satya-vAdi Ta(tha)tA-vA{5 ##These letters may be a mistake for## tathA-vAdI, ##as the printed text has.##} O TathA- (ga)ta: a-vitatha-vAdI. Api tu SubhUte yathA TathAgatena dharmo ‘bhisaM[buddho] (na ta)tra [sa](v)tyaM na mRSA. Tad yathA SubhUte a ndhakAra-praviSTa: evaM vastu-patito bodhisatvo vaktavya: Yo vastu-patito dAnaM pa[rityajati Tad yathA] (vi)(SubhUte) puruSo (ca)[kSuSm]AM x{6 ##There appears to be room here requiring another## akSara.} pra bhAtAyAM zurye ‘bhyudgate nAnA-vividhAni rUpANi pazyet evaM bo[dhisatvo] draSTavyo yo avastu- (##10A#)(i)patito{7 ##Begins at p. 32, 1. 19, of the printed text.##} dAnaM paritya(jati). Api tu Su bhUte ye te kula (putrA vA . ku)la-duhitaro vA. ima(M dharma-paryA) yam udgraheSyanti{8 ##This is the probable form here, see foll. 10 b(iii), 11 a(iv), and 11 b(iii).##}. dhAra- yiSya(ii)ntiM^. vAcayiSyanti. (paryav) Apsya (nti). jJAtAs te TathAgatena. dRSTAs te TathAgatena. buddhAs te TathAgate(na){9 ##More condensed than the printed text.##} sarve te satvA aprame- yaM (iii)puNya-skandhaM prasaviSyanti. O Yo ‘yaM ca ho puna: SubhUte strI vA puruSo vA pUrvahna{10 ##Not## N.}-samaye. GaMgA-[nadI-vAlikA- samAn{11 ##See the next line where this expression occurs again. These two passages supplement each other clearly.##}A](iv)tma-bhAvaM parityAgAM pa Oritya je . madhyahna-samaye sAyahna-samaye. GaMgA-nadI-vAlika-samAn (Atma)bhAvaM paritya(v)gAM parityajet{12 ##Much more condensed than the printed text.##} Ane na xxx {13 ##The printed text## paryAyeNa bahUni ##is longer than suits this gap, and here the construction is in the singular and not the plural.##}ka lpa-ko[T]i-zata-sAhasraM AtmabhAva-pari- @186 tyAgaM parityajet Yaz cemaM dha(rma-paryAyaM zrutvA na pra-) (vi)tiM^kSipe[t aya] m eva bahutaraM puNya-skandhaM {1 ##The reading here differs from the printed text.##} prasaveta. (Ka): (punar a xxx M{1 ##The reading here differs from the printed text.##}) SubhUte yo likhitvod(gRhNIyAt dhAra)ye. vA- (##10b##) (i)caye{2 ##Begins at p. 33, 1. 12, of the printed text.##}. paryavApnuyAt parasya{3 ##The printed text has## parebhyas ##here and elsewhere, but this MS.reads## parasya ##in some cases, compare fol. 6 b(iv); and## parebhya: ##later in other cases, compare fol. 16 b(iii). Either word might be read here.##} vistareNa saMprakA (za)ye Api tu SubhUte (acintyo ‘tu)lyo ‘yaM dharma-paryAya: (AyaM ca) dharma- paryAya: (ii)TathAgatena bhASita: AgrayAna-saMpra [sthitAnAM sa](tvA- nAm arthAya). zreSTha-yAna-saMprasthitAnAM satvAnAm arthAya (Ye imaM dha)rma-pa(iii)ryAyam udgraheSyanti. dhAra O yiSyanti. deza- yiSyanti. vAcayiSyanti. paryavapsyanti{4 ##A sentence of the printed text is omitted after this.##}. jJAtA(s te) TathAgatena (dR)STAs te TathA(iv)gatena{4 ##A sentence of the printed text is omitted after this.##}. Sarve te satvA prame ya-{5 ##The printed text has## aprameyeNa.}O puNya-skandh(ena) samanvAgatA bhaviSyanti. Acintyenatulyena . aprameye(Na.) [amA- pyena]{6 ##So probably.##} (pu)(v)Nya-skandhena samanvAgatA bhaviSyanti (Sarve te) satvA: xxyena{7 ##The printed text has samAMzena, but the word here is different.##} bodhin dhArayiSyanti. Tat kasya heto:. Na hi X xxx xxx{8 ##Read perhaps## zakyaM SubhUte ayaM.##} (vi)dharmo [h]I[na]dhimuktikai: zro(tuM) natma-dRSTikai: na satva-dRSTikai: na jIva-dRSTikai: na pudgala-dRSTikai: XX xxxxxxx{9 ##In this and the following gap the printed text has nearly twice as much matter.##} (##11A#) (i)xxxxxxx tuM{10 ##Begins at p. 34, 1. 7, of the printed text.##} vA . vAcayituM vA . paryavaptuM vA . naidaM sthAnaM vidyate . Api tu SubhUte yatra pRthivI-prad[e]ze a(yaM) sUtr- a(nto) prakA(ii)ziSyate . pUjanIya: sa pRthivI-pradezo bhaviSyati . sa-deva- manuSy-asurasya lokasya vandanIya: pradakSiNI-(karaNIya)z ca (sa pRthi-) (iii)vI-pradezo bhaviSyati . caitya Osa pRthivI-pradezo bhaviM^SyatiM^ . Ye te SubhUte kula-putrA vA kula-duhitaro vA imAn evaM-(iv)rUpa-sUtr-antAn ugraheSyaOtiM^{11 ##The d is omitted, just as t in## otrasiSyanti ##for## ottras^,##fol. 8 b(v). [See footnote 17, p. 99.-R.H.##]}. dhArayiSyati {12 ##The verb is in the singular.##} . dezayiSyati{12 ##The verb is in the singular.##} . vAcayiSyati{12 ##The verb is in the singular.##} . paryavap- syati{13 ##The verb is in the singular. A line of the printed text is omitted after this##}. Te paribhUtA bhaviSya(v)nti . su-paribhUtAz ca bhaviSyanti. YAni @187 teSAM satvAnAM pUrva-janmikAni karmANi kRtAny apaya-saM(vartanI- yAni .) tA(ni dRSTa) (vi)eva dharme paribhU(tatayA) pUrva-janmikAny azubhAni karmANi XX xxxxxxxxxx{1 ##The printed text has## kSapayiSyanti Buddha-bodhiM canuprApsyanti; ##but this is two or three## akSaras ##too short to fill the gap.##} (AbhijAnA-) (##11b##) (i)[m]y ahaM{2 ##Begins at p. 34, 1. 20, of the printed text.##} SubhUte (a)tIte ‘dhvany a(saMkhyeyai: kalpai: asaM)khyeyatarai{3 ##The bottom portions only of these four## akSaras ##are discernible, but they agree with the reading## khyeyatarai.}[r DIpaMkarasya] TathAgatasya samyak-saMbuddhasya pareNa caturazIti{4 ##These words fill the gap exactly.##} (ii)Buddha-koTi-niyuta-za[ta]-sahasrANi babhUva . Ye mayA ArAdhitA{5 ##This MS. has## ^rAdh^ ##in this and the following sentences. The printed text has## ^rAg^.}. yaM ca mayA (SubhU)[te] xxxxxx [XXX{6 ##Read probably## te BuddhA Bhagavanta ArAdhitA, except that these words seem to be one## akSara ##too little.##}na] (iii)viM^rAdhitA YaM ca carimi OkAyAM pazcimikAyA vartamAnAyAm{7 ##More condensed than the printed text.##} imaM sUtr-antam udgraheSyanti . dhArayiSyanti . vAcayi(iv)Syanti . paryavapsyanti{8 ##A sentence of the printed text is omitted after this.##}. Asya O SubhUte puNya-skandhasyantikAd eSa pUrvaka: puNya-skandha: zati- mAm{9 ##Sic; the printed text has## zatatamIm.##} api kalAM no (X{10 ##The character is a consonant without any trace of a vowel-mark. It resembles## pa ##or## Sa, ##and must apparently be## pa ##of the preposition## upa. ##The reading is not## upaiti ##as in the printed text. There is room for a small letter after this character, such as## mA ##if the## A ##is superscript. Perhaps the full reading may be## upamAti, ##and## upamA ##occurs in the next sentence of the printed text.##}) (v)tiM^. sahasrimAm api. zata-sahasritamAm api . koTI-zata-sahasritamAm api{11 ##More abbreviated than the printed text.##} . saMkhyAm api . kalAm api . gaNanAm api{12 ##The character does not appear to be## pyu.} (vi)(upan)i(Sadam ap)i (na kSama)te Sace SubhUte teSAM kula-putrANAM kula-duhitriNAM vA puNya-skandhaM bhASet yAvat te kula-pu- ##Folio 12 wanting. (##13A#)## (i)m{13 ##Begins at p. 36, 1. 21, of the printed text.##} a[bhisaMbu]ddha[s Tas]m(A) DIpaM kareNa Ta thAgatena vyAkRto bhaviSyasi tvaM mAnav-anAgate ‘dhvani S*Akyamu(ni)r nAma @188 TathAgato ‘rhan sam (yak-saM)(ii)buddha: Tat kasya heto: TathAgata iti SubhU[te BhUta]-tathatAyadhivacanam eva{1 ##Three lines of the printed text are omitted after this.##}. Ya: kazci SubhUte evaM vade TathAga[tena](iii)rhatA samyak-saMbuddhenanu OttarA samyak-saMbodhim abhisa(M)buddhA:{2 ##A line and a quarter of the printed text are omitted after this.##} Nasti SubhUte sa kazci dharmo yas TathAgaten(an)uttarAM (iv)samyak-saMbodhim abhisaM Obuddha: Ya: SubhUte TathAgatena dharmo ‘bhisaMbuddha: na tatra satyaM na mRSA TasmA TathAgato (v)bhASati sarvba-dhar[m]A xxxxxx{3 ##The printed text reads here## Buddha-dharmA iti Tat kasya heto:, ##but this MS. obviously varies here.##}dhar[m]A sarvba-dharmA iti SubhUte Sarve te a{4 ##This letter is not clear; it might be## tva ##or## tu.}-dharmA Tad ucyante sarvba- dharmA . Tad yathA SubhUte pu(vi)ruSo bhaved upeta-kAyo mahA-kAya: xx{5 ##There are two more letters here than the printed text has.##} A#yuSmA SubhUtir Aha . Yo so BhagavaM TathAgatena bhASi[ta: u]pe(ta-kAyo ma-) (##13b##) (i)hA-kAya:{6 ##Begins at p. 37, 1. 17, of the printed text.##} A#yuS[m]AMxxxxxxx{7 ##The scribe seems to repeat himself here, and the words## SubhUtir Aha Yo so ##would exactly fill all this space.##} (BhagavaM) TathAgatena bhASita: upeta-kAyo mahA-kAya iti a-kAya: sas TathA(ga)(ii)tena bhASita: Ta[d] u[c]yate upetakAyo mahA-kAya. Evam etat SubhUte Yo bodhi- satva: evaM vade. AhaM satvAM parinirvA(iii)payiSye . Na sa bodhisa- O tvo vaktavya: Tat kasya heto: Asti hi SubhUte kazci dharmo yo bodhisatvo nAma . Aha . No iti Bha(iv)gavaM{8 ##Two lines of the printed text are omitted after this.##} TasmA TathAgato bhA O Sati ni:satvA sarvba-dharmA: nirjivA ni:SpudgalA:{9 ##The## : ##is a scribal blunder; see fol. 9 a, footnote 9,p. 184.##} Ya: SubhUte bodhi- satvo evaM vade . AhaM (v)kSetra-viyUhAM niSpAdayiSye . (vi) tatha[m e]vaM kartavya: Tat kasya heto: KSetra-viyUbhA kSetra-viyUbhA iti SubhUte A viyU(vi)bhA sA TathAgatena bhASitA Tad ucyate kSetra- viyUbhA iti . Ya: SubhUte bodhisatvo [n]airAtma-dharmA nairAtma- dharmA: sa [Ta-] (##14A#) (i)thAgaten{10 ##Begins at p. 38, 1. 10, of the printed text.##}ar[hatA sa]myak-saMbuddhena bodhisatvo bodhisa- tva iti vaktavya: Tat kin manya(se Su)bhUte SaMvidyate TathAgatasya @189 mAM(ii)sa-cakSu: A#ha. saMvidyate BhagavaM TathAgatasya mAMsa-cakSu: Tat kin manyase SubhUte SaMvidyate TathAgatasya divya[M] cakSu: A#(iii)ha . Evam eva BhagavaM O saMvidyate TathAgatasya divyaM cakSu: Tat kin manyase SubhUte SaMvidyate TathAgatasya pra(iv)jJA- cakSu: A#ha . Eva O m eva BhagavaM saMvidyate TathAgatasya prajJA- cakSu: Tat kin manyase SubhUte SaMvidyate TathA(v)gatasya dharma- cakSu: A#ha . Eva m eva BhagavaM saMvidyate TathAgatasya dharma- ca kSu: Tat ki(n ma)nyase SubhUte SaMvidyate TathAgata(vi)sya buddha- cakSu: A#ha . Evam eva BhagavaM saMvidyate TathAgatasya buddha-cakSu: Tat ki{1 ##This long gap can be restored with confidence according to the analogy of the preceding sentences and the printed text.##}n manyase SubhUte YAvantA GaMgAyA nadyA (##14b##) (i)vAlikA:{2 ##Begins at p. 39, 1. 4, of the printed text.##} api nu tA vAlikAs TathAgatena bhASitA: A#ha. Evam eva Bha{3 ##Some of the letters that filled this gap have become impressed on the lower margin of fol. 15a, and can be discerned there upside down and reversed, namely,## th x x xbhASitA: A#haxvame. ##The text has been thus restored.##}gavaM bhASitA TathAgatena{4 ##See note(3); all these letters can be discerned on the lower margin of fol. 15a.##} sA{5 ##This letter looks more like## sA ##than## tA.} (vA)li(ii)kA: Tat kin manyase SubhUte YAvantA GaMgAyA nadyA vA(lukAs) tAvantA GaMgA nadyo bhaveyu: Tatra yA vAlukA: tAvata: loka-dhAta(iii)vo bhaveyu: Kici bahava Os tA loka-dhAtavo bhaveyu: A#ha . Evam eva BhagavaM bahavas tA loka-dhAtavo bhaveyu: (iv)A#ha. YAvatA SubhUte O teSu loka-dhAtuSu satvA teSAm ahaM nAnA-bhAva-citta-dhArAM prajAnAmi . Tat kasya heto: (v)CiM^tta-dhArA citta-dhArA iti SubhUte AdhArA eSA TathAgatena bhASitA Tad ucyate citta-dhArA iti Ta(t kasya) he(vi)to: AttaM SubhUte cittaM nopalabhyate. AnAgataM cittaM nopalabhyate. PratyutpannaM (cittaM no)palabhyate{6 ##This ends with line 14 on p. 39 of the printed text. For the following blank letter, see next note.##}. X (##15A#) (i)xxxxxx ya (i) ti {7 ##The following words Tat kin manyase agree and begin with 1. 15 on p. 39 of the printed text, but these preceding words and the small gap at the end of fol. 14b seem to contain either additional matter which comes between 11. 14 and 15 of that text but does not appear there, or the words in the latter part of 1. 15, those words coming first and tat kin manyase being inserted parenthetically after them. The latter supposition is improbable, because such a construction occurs nowhere else in this MS. and the word## iti ##negatives it.## Iti ##indicates the close of the preceding discussion. Hence the former supposition seems right, and the gaps contain additional matter not in the printed text.##} Tat kin manyase ma(hAsA)hasraM @190 loka-dhAtuM sapta-ratna-paripUrNaM xxxxxxxxxx (o)dA{1 ##This letter looks like## ta,vA ##or## dA, ##and judging from the printed text should be## dA. ##The following gap can contain six average-sized or seven small letters. The whole passage should probably run thus,## kRtvA arhadbhya: samyak-saMbuddhebhyo dAnaM dadyAd api nu sa. ##It is more abbreviated than the printed text.##} (ii) xxxxxx tato nidAnaM bahu puNya-skandhaM prasave(ta) . A#ha . Bahu BhagavaM . A#ha . xxxxxxx{2 ##This gap would contain the mark of punctuation (which always follows## Aha) ##and seven letters. Read perhaps## Evam etat SubhUte, ##the phrase of assent being doubled in the printed text. It occurs doubled thus in fol. 8b(iv).##} evam eva Su(iii)bhUte Bahu sa kula-putroOvA (ku)la. duhitA vA tato nidAnaM puNya-skandhaM prasaveta{3 ##Two lines of the printed text are omitted after this.##} . Sace ho puna: SubhUte skandho ‘bhavi(iv)Syan na TathAgato ‘bhASiOSya puNya-(skandha) puNya-skandha iti. Tat kin manyase SubhUte RUpa-kAya-pariniSpatyA TathAga(v) to dra STavya: A#ha. No iti BhagavaM Na rUpa-kAya- pariniSpatyA TathAgato draSTavya: Tat kasya he to: RUpa-kAya-pariniSpa- (vi)ttI rUpa-kAya-parini[Spatt]ir iti A-par iniSpattir eSA TathAgatena bhASita: Tad ucyate RUpa-kAya-pariniSpattir iti . (##15b##) (i) Tat{4 ##Begins at p. 40, 1. 13, of the printed text.##} kin ma nyase SubhUte la (kSaNa)-saMpadA yAs{5 SaMpadA ##is treated as the nomin. singular, see line ii. There are traces of the## y; ##compare the same sentence in fol. 17a(iii.iv.)##} TathA- gato draSTavya:{6 ##A line of the printed text is omitted after this.##} Tat kasya heto: YA sA lakSaNa-saMpadA TathAgatena bhASitA lakSa(ii)Na{7 ##According to the printed text these words should be read## bhASitalakSaNa.} saMpadeSA{8 ##Or perhaps## aiSA, ##as it should be with## saMpadA. ##Compare a-## saMjJeSA ##in fol. 19 a(v.)##}TathAgatena bhASitA: Tad uc(yate la) kSaNa-saMpadA iti. Tat kin manyase SubhUte Api nu TathAgatasy aivaM bhava(iii)ti MayA dharmo dezito{9 ##A line and a half of the printed text are omitted after this.##} Yo O mama Subh[Ute] evaM vade . TathAgatena kazci dharmo xxxx{10 ##The words## dezita iti ##are suggested by the printed text here, but seem rather too much for the space unless we read## ity abhyA^.} abhyAcakSeta mAM sa: SubhU- (iv)te asat od[u]dgRhItena{11 ##The prefix## ud ##seems here to be superfluously repeated.##}. O Tat kasya heto: Dharma-dezanA dharma- @191 d[e]zanA iti SubhUte Nasti sa kazci dharmo yo dharma-deza(v)nA xxx xxxa{1 ##There is room for six## akSaras ##here, of which the last has the vowel## A ##apparently.## NAmopalabhyate ##of the printed text does not suit.##} yuSmAM SubhUtir Bhagavantam etad avocat Santi Bhaga- vaM keci saMtvA xxxxxxye ime evaM-(vi) rUpa-dharmAn xxxx mAnA x nti: xx zraddhAsyanti{2 ##All this is much abbreviated, and it is difficult to offer more suggestions for filling up the gaps.##}. BhagavAn Aha . Na te SubhUte xxxxxxxxx xxxx{3 ##Read probably## satvA nasatvA Tat kasya heto:, ##yet there still remain three more spaces for## akSaras, ##which are uncertain.##} (##16A#) (i)Sarva{4 ##Begins at p. 41, 1. 8, of the printed text.##}-satvA sarvba satvA iti SubhUt[e] Asa(tvAs te) TathAga- tena bhASitA Tad ucyate [sa]rvba-satvA iti . Tat kin manyase Su(ii)bhUte Api nu kazci dharmas TathAgatenanuttarAM samyak-saMbodhim abhisaM- buddha: A#yuSmAM SubhUtir Aha No iti{5 ##Compare fol. 13 b(iii).##} Bhaga(iii)vaM kazci dharma ya: TathAOgatenanuttarAM samyak-saMbodhim abhisaMbuddha: Bhaga- vAn Aha . xxxxxxxx{6 ##The printed text in doubling the phrase of assent suggests that we should read here## Evam etat SubhUte, ##but this seems to be one letter too short for the space. Compare the doubled phrase in fol. 8 b(iv).##} (iv)evam eta SubhUte anuOr api tatra dharmo na saMvidyate nopalabhyate. Tad ucyate ‘nuttarA samyak-saMbo- dhi: Api tu SubhU(v)te sama: sa dharma: na tatra kiMcid biSamaM Tad ucyate ‘nuttarA samyak-saMbodhi: (n)airAtme(na . nir)jIvatvena . ni:sa- xxxxxxx{7 ##The printed text suggests the reading here should be## tvatvena niSpudgalatre, ##but this seems to be one letter too much for the space.##} (vi)na . SamA sanuttarA samyak-saMbodhi: sarvbe{8 ##For## sarvbai:.} kuzalair dharmair abhisaMbudhyate . KuzalA dharmA kuzalA dharmA iti Su- bhUte [A-] (##16b##) (i)dharmA{9 ##Begins at p. 41, 1. 20, of the printed text.##}ceva te TathAgatena bhASitA: Tad ucyante kuzalA dharmA iti . Ye khalu SubhUte yAvanta: tR-sAhasra-mahA-sAhasre loka- dhA(ii)tau Sumerava: parvbata-rAjAna: tAvantAn rAzIM saptAnAM ratnA- nAm abhisaMharitvA dAnaM dadyAd{10 ##More abbreviated than the printed text.##} yaz caita: prajJA-pAramitAyA @192 xxxx{1 ##The printed text has## dharma-paryAyAd, ##but that is too long for this gap.##} (iii)cAtuSpadIm api gAthAm uOdgRhya parebhyo dezaye. asya SubhUte puNya-skandhasya eSa pUrvaka: puNya skandha: zatatamIM (iv)kalA nopeti . upanizAOm api na kSamate . Tat kin manyase SubhUte Api [nu] TathAgatasyaivaM bhavati x{2 ##So the printed text, but there is room for one more akSara.##} mayA sa (v)tvA mocitA: Na ho puNa: SubhUte evaM draSTavyaM Tat kasya heto: Na SubhUte ka[zci sa]tvo ‘sti yas TathAgatena parimocita: (vi)Yadi puna: SubhUte kazcit satvo bhavet yas TathAgatena parimocito ‘bhaviSyat sa [e]va TathAgatasy atma-grAho ‘bhaviSyat (##17A#) (i)(satva)-grAho{3 ##Begins at p. 42, 1. 12, of the printed text.##}. jIva-grAha: pudgala-grAho ‘bhaviSyat A#tma- grAha iti SubhUte agrAha eSa TathAgatena bhASita: Sa bAla-pR(ii)thag- janair udgRhIta: bAla-pRthag-janA iti SubhUte a-janAs te TathAgatena bhASitA: Tad ucyante bAla-pRthag-janA iti (iii)Tat kin manyase SubhUte LaOkSaNa-saMpadAyAs TathAgato draSTavya: A#ha. Evam eva Bha- gavaM lakSaNa-saMpadAy(As Ta)(iv)thAgato draSTavya:{4 ##This sentence differs altogether from the printed text; and three lines of that text are omitted after this.##} A#ha. OSacet puna: SubhUte lakSaNa-saMpadAyAs TathAgato draSTavyo ‘bhaviSyad rAjapi cakravarti Ta(v)thAgato ‘bhaviSyat TasmAd alakSaNa-saMpadAyAs TathAgato draSTavya: A#yuSmAM SubhUtirAha. YathahaM xxx{5 ##There are three more## akSaras ##here than the printed text has.##} Bhaga- vato (vi)bhASitasyartham AjAnAmi . na lakSaNa-saMpadAyAs TathAgato draSTavya: Atha BhagavAM tasyAM velAyAm imAM gAthAM xxxx{6 ##The printed text has## ime gAthe abhASata,##but here only one verse is quoted, and the verb would seem to be (reading on into fol. 17b) some irregular form like## abhASiSIt. BhAS ##is used here in the## parasmaipada, ##see fol. 13a (v). Still one## akSara ##would remain blank.##} (##17b##) (i)sIt {7 ##Begins at p. 43, 1. 5, of the printed text.##} Ye mAM rUpeNa adrAkS(i){8 ##The## kS ##has a vowel-mark above but none beneath.## AdrAkSIt ##seems to be intended. Grammatical irregularities occur here frequently.##} Ye mAM (ghoSeNa) anvayu: mithyA-prahANa-prasRtA na maM{9 ##The letter seems to be## maM ##or## mA, ##but not## mAM.} dra[kSya](nti) te (na)rA: Tat kin manyase SubhUte La(ii)kSaNa-saMpadAyA TathAgatenanu(tta)rA samyak- saMbodhi(m abhisaM)buddhA: Na ho puna: SubhU(te evaM) draSTavyaM @193 Na SubhUte lakSaNa-saM (pa)(iii)dAyAs TathAgatenanuOttarA samyak- saMbodhim abhisaMbuddhA: syAt khalu evam asyA{1 ##This seems to be intended for a negative verb## a-syAt; ##compare a-gacchati in fol. 18 a(iii).##} Bodhisatva-yAna- (saMprasthi)tena sa(iv)tvena kasyaci dharmasya vinAOza: prajJapta: ucchedo vA . Na ho punas te SubhUte evaM draSTavyaM Na bodhi- satva-yAna-saMprasthi(v)tena satvena kasyaci dharmasya vinAza: prajJa- pta: nocchedaM vA . Ya: khalu puna: SubhUte GaMgA-nadI-vAlukA- samAM loka-dhAtuM (vi)sapta-ratna-paripUrNAM kRtvA dAnaM dadyAd{2 ##More abbreviated than the printed text.##} yaz ca bodhisatvo nairAtmeSu anutpattikeSu dharmeSu kSAntim pratila- bheta. Ayam eva te (dA)[naM]{3 ##The printed text has## Ayam eva tato nidAnaM.} (##18A#) (i)bahutaraM{4 ##Begins at p. 44, 1. 1, of the printed text.##} puNya-skandhaM prasaveta. Na ho puna: SubhUte bodhi[satve] na puNya-skandha: parigrahetavya: A#ha. Nanu BhagavaM pu{5 ##These words which nearly agree with the printed text exactly fit this long gap.##} (Nya)-(ii)skandha: parigrahetavyo . BhagavAn Aha . Parigrahetavya: Su- bhUte (nogra)[hetavya: Tad ucya] te pari [grahetavya: Api tu{6 ##These words fit this gap and agree with the printed text, except that## tad ucyate ##always stands in this MS. for## tenocyate ##of the printed text, and## iti ##is omitted as it is often in this MS.##}] SubhUte [ya]: (iii)kazcid evaM vade . TathAgaOto gacchati vagacchati vA . tiSThati vA . (ni)SIdati vA . [zayyAM]v(A kalpaya)ti na me sa: bhASi(iv)tasyartham AjAnAti. TaOt kasya heto: TathAgata iti SubhUte ca{7 ##The printed text has## na, ##but the letter here resembles## ca ##or## da ##and not## na.}kvacid Agata: a-kvacid gata: TasmAd ucyate TathA(v)gato ‘rhAM samyak-saMbuddha: Ya: khalu puna: SubhUte kula-putro vA. kula-duhitA vA. yAvanti tR-sAhasra-mahAsAhasre loka-dhAtau (vi)pRthivI-rajAMsi sa evaM-rUpAM maSiM kuryA yAva evasaMkhyeyena . Tad yathA nAma paramaNu- saMcaya: Tat kin manya[se]SubhU- (##18b##) (i)te{8 ##Begins at p. 44, 1. 15, of the printed text.##} Api tu sa paramANu-saMcayo bhavet Aha. Evam eva BhagavaM Bahu sa paramANu-saMcayo bhavet Tat kasya heto: Sace BhagavaM (sa)[M](ii)(ca)yo ‘bhaviSya na BhagavAM ‘bhASiSyaM paramANu- saMcaya iti . Tat kasya heto Yo so BhagavatA paramaNu-saMcayo @194 bh[ASita:] a-[saM](iii)caya: sa BhagavatA bhASiOta: Tad ucyate para- maNu-saMcaya iti. YaM ca TathAgato bhASati mahAsa[ha]sro (loka-) (iv)dhAtu: a-dhAtu sas TathAgaOtena bhASita: Tad ucyate mahAsahasro loka-dhAtu: Tat kasya heto: Sace Bhaga[va]M dhAtur a(v)bhaviSyat sa caiva piNDa-grAho ‘bhaviSya . Yaz caiva TathAgatena piNDa-grAho bhASita: (a)-[grA]ha sas TathAgatena bhASita: Ta(vi)d ucyate piNDa-grAha iti . BhagavAn Aha PiNDa-grAhaz caiva vyavahAro SubhUte ‘nabhilapya: Na sa dharmo nadharma: Sa ca bAla-{1 ##The words of the printed text fill the gap exactly. It also reads## avyavahAro.} (##19A#) (i)pRthag{2 ##Begins at p. 45, 1. 7, of the printed text.##}-janair udgR(hI)ta xxxxxxxx{3 ##Judging from the printed text the words in this blank might be either## ya: kazci SubhUte evaM, ##or## Tat kasya heto: Ya evaM. ##The latter seems less probable because## tat kasya heto: ##is omitted in the Japan MS. as noted in the printed text.##} vade . A#tma-dRSTis TathAgatena bhASitA: satva-dRSTi: jIva-dRSTi: pudgala-dRSTi: x{4 ##There seems to be one more syllable here than in the printed text.##} Ta- (ii)thAgatena bhASitA Api nu samyag vada mAno vade. SubhUtir Aha{5 ##A line of the printed text is omitted after this.##} . YA sA BhagavaM Atma-dRSTis TathA[ga]tena bhASitA: x (iii)a-dRSTi: sA TathAgate Ona bhASitA Tad ucyate Atma-dRSTir iti. EvaM SubhUte bodhisatva-yAna-saMprasthitena sarvba-dharmA (iv)jJAtavyA draSTavyA. adhi O (SThita)vyA{6 ##So the word appears to be.##}. (Ya)thA na dharma-saMjJA pratyupasthAhe . Tat kasya heto Dharma-(saMjJA) dharma-saMjJA iti SubhU(v)te a-saMjJeSA TathAga(tena) bhASi (tA) Tad ucyate dharma-saMjJeti. Ya: khalu SubhUte bodhisatvo (mahAsa) tvo xxxxxx{7 ##Read perhaps## pramey-asaMkhyeyAM.} loka-dhAtuM (vi)sapta-(ratna- par)ip(urNAM) xxxx{8 ##Read perhaps## parityAgam; ##see fol. 9 b(ii), and fol. 10a(iv.v.)##} parityaje . d{9 ##The punctuation here is out of place.##} yaz ca kula-putro vA . kula-duhitA vA(i) ta: prajJA-pAramitAyA dharma-paryAyA cAtuSpa-{10 ##For## cAtuSpadim, ##see fol. 16 b(iii).##} (##19b##) (i)[dI]m {11 ##Begins at p. 46, 1. 1, of the printed text.##} api gAthAm udgR(hya) dhAraye . [dezaye. vA](ca)ye [paryavapnuyAt parebhyaz{12 ##Such traces of the letters as remain agree with this reading.##}] (ca vistar) eNa saMprakAzayed ayaM tato bahutaraM puNya- (ii)(ska)ndhaM prasavet Katha[M] ca saMprakAza- @195 (yed ya)thA nakAzaye . Tad ucyate saMprakAzaMyet {1 ##The printed text puts this after the verse quoted here.##} TAra[kA timi]- raM dipo mAy-avazyAya-budbudaM svapa(iii)naM vidyud abhraM ca evaM draS)[Ta] O vya[M] saMs(kRtaM) Idam avoca BhagavA[n A]ttamanA Sthavira-(SubhU)[tis te] ca bhikSu-bhikSuNy-upasak-opa (iv)(sikA) . sa-deva- gandharvba-OmAnu S-asuraz ca[l]oko Bhagavato bhASitAm abhya- nandur iti. A#ddhyaSTama BhagavatI A#rya-Vajracchedi(v)kA prajJA- pAramitA samAptA x(ya) siddhix ya{2 ##These letters must apparently contain some woman’s name, because the word ‘husband’ follows.##}. saha bhartari NandiMbalena . saha pitRNA e{3 ##This letter is not like the e always used in this MS. but resembles that in## evam in fol. 14 b(iii).##}XXXXXXXX xxxx (vi)[XXAX] balena . (sa) haxxxxxxx (n)ena . saha (Ne)salena . saha SaMcaXtyo . sa(ha X sarvba-satv)[ai: XXXX] xx ##[Note to p. 178. The forms## U ##and## U# ##occur only with## bh (##in the proportion of 103 : 12); and## U#, ##in a slightly modified form, occurs also with r (see, e.g.,## rUpeNa, ##fol. 17 b(i), ##in Ancient Khotan, Plate CVIII); while the form## u ##occurs with p, s, and y. All three forms are found also in the manuscript of the## Saddharma-puNDarIka, ##edited by Professor Luders, pp. 144 ff. In that manuscript, indeed, all, or most of the other varieties of vowel signs have been noticed; see pp.140-2. The forms## U,U# (##in the## rU ##variety), and## u ##are the fourth, second, and first, respectively, of Professor Luders’ enumeration. Of his third form there is no example in the## VajracchedikA.##—R. H.]##